Measuring Your Business Carbon Footprint

Calculating your business's carbon footprint in line with Greenhouse Gas Protocol Standards will place your company ahead of policy and regulation changes and allow you to begin monitoring your environmental performance

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How to measure your carbon footprint

Your business carbon footprint comprises of your scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions as defined by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and ISO 14064 Standard.

The GHG protocol includes multiple standards used by companies, cities and countries to calculate emission outputs for products and value chains. ISO 14064 establishes the standards recognised to be in compliance with the best practices outlined in the GHG Protocol.


Building a Greenhouse Gas Inventory

Principles outlined by the GHG Protocol help companies prepare an accurate GHG Inventory which is critical in building effective strategies to reduce GHG emissions. A GHG Inventory consists of:

  • GHG sources, sinks, emissions and removals
  • Explanation of procedures, methodologies and boundaries
  • Data and information systems associated with an organisations quantification of GHG emissions and removals
The G13+ approach
Through the use of standardised and internationally recognised approaches, reporting in line with the GHG Protocol helps increase consistency, transparency and data confidence. Quantifying GHG emissions helps your company understand key emission sources and identify opportunities. By calculating your carbon footprint today, you will be better positioned to start benchmarking your progress.
Determine inventory boundaries and identify sources, sinks and removals
Select calculation approach as best fits your business model
Collect data, choose emission factors and apply appropriate calculation tools
Disclose emissions in annual Directors Report

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